Debian – See all files in packages with word in them – double xargs
Final: (PKG="linux"; dpkg -l | grep $PKG | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I %% /bin/bash -c 'echo "—%%—-"; dpkg -L "%%" | xargs -I @@ /bin/bash -c "[[ -f '@@' ]]Read More…
Final: (PKG="linux"; dpkg -l | grep $PKG | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I %% /bin/bash -c 'echo "—%%—-"; dpkg -L "%%" | xargs -I @@ /bin/bash -c "[[ -f '@@' ]]Read More…
Check for line endings with od (also you can use other hex tools with -c option – which is the Printable Characters format) od -c file DOS: \r \n (carriage return andRead More…
The problem / error: When doing an rsync over ssh file transfer I get this error. # rsync -avhP -e "ssh -p 22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" file Warning: Permanently added '[]:22,[24.155.888.155]:2022'Read More…
Below is examples of passing arguments to python via regular argument assignment, and tuples and *tuples, and dictionaries and **dictionaries. Here is my gist link for it: (older) Not covering all methods (forRead More…
SIDENOTE: if your searching by cifs, you should instead search by smb or samba. Cifs is an older version of SMB. Samba is the linux version of smb that talks with smbRead More…
Rule of thumb: when implementing a function or program, you should implement it at the end points. Quote: End-to-end connectivity is a property of the Internet that allows all nodes of the network toRead More…
(I) Scrub: going thru the raid checking parity and correcting things. There are 2 types. check or repair. *check just reads everything and doesn’t trigger any writes unless a read error isRead More…
So you changed a file and now you want the original back (the original from the last commit). You want to undo the changes. I do it like this: git checkout HEADRead More…
Here is a paper by Yashar Ganjali Gavgani about Buffer Sizing and how it works in Networks. Its really easy to read and understand and gives you a full sense of theRead More…
Im running Windows 10 Pro Build 10586 (10.0.10586) with Virtual Box v5.0.12 r104815 If your VM uses Host Only Adapter and it fails to power on, and gives this error: Failed toRead More…