Imagine your working on a project on and then you want to move that project over to another git server (imagine its another github server, thats not hosted on, butRead More…
International Phone Number Dialing 101 – How To
Imagine you have to dial the international phone number shown below. How would you do it? Considering you can place internation calls (i.e. its part of the dialing plan of the phone your using)Read More…
Organize AXIS Camera captured dated images into dated folders
My AXIS camera (AXIS M1011-W Network Camera) captures files into files that look like this: i15-07-24_00-50-11-70.jpg i15-07-24_00-50-11-90.jpg i15-07-24_00-50-12-10.jpg i15-07-24_00-50-12-30.jpg There are thousands of these images. The issue with lots of files ofRead More…
Sed – extract Nth number from each random line
Source: Imagine you have a text: # cat weird.txt Number of ducks 120 how many of them are singers 100 15 humans in the choir class, and 12 can sing Fat turles:Read More…
SoftEther: the best VPN: How to set up Client to Site VPN without Port Forward
Once I learned about SoftEther VPN, I realized I was missing out on a lot. In this article I will show you how to setup a Client to Site VPN without needingRead More…
Bash – If – code block, one liner, and AND then OR && ||1liner
A normal if statement in bash looks like this if ps ax | grep "[p]rogram" &> /dev/null; then echo "program is running" else echo "program is not running" fi # COMMENT1: theRead More…
SickBeard SickRage Mass Change Qualities via SQLite & Understanding Qualitys
How to change the qualities of sickbeard / sickrage tvshows all at once via sqlite instead of going one by one thru the gui (in the gui you get there by goingRead More…
Installing UTServer on Linux – uTorrent Web GUI Server
Here is how you setup uTorrent Server on a Linux box. I tested with a Debian like build (my ReadyNAS 6.x box) Download the tar gzip file containing UTServer cd /root wgetRead More…
SystemD files for uTorrent Server, SickRage SickBeard, Couch Potato, Transmission, NZBget
SystemD is the newer alternative to the init.d system. Instead of service files being in /etc/init.d/, they are in /lib/systemd/system. In /etc/systemd/system/ there are symlinks to the /lib/systemd/system service files. Anything inRead More…
date – my favorite and most used Linux date commands
# Best Sortable Date and Time (start with the biggest go to smallest: year,month,day,hour,minute,second) date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S # ex: 2015-09-15-13-28-50 (which means Sept 15th 2009 at 1:28:50 pm) # or this format whereRead More…