If your using find to its max extent, by using it as a selector tool of wide versatility, then your on the right path. Find is one of the strongest tools inRead More…
Sublime Add Context Menu (Works for Version 2 and 3) WINDOWS SUBLIME
CITATION: http://sublimetext.userecho.com/topic/43345-windows-context-menu-right-click-edit-with-sublime-notepad-style/ NOTE: according to author this method works for sublime 2. I tested with sublime 3 and it works. Makes sense that it will work with both since they both use theRead More…
### — check properties of ssl files — ### openssl req -noout -text -in https1.csr openssl rsa -noout -text -in https1.key openssl x509 -noout -text -in https1.crt ### — check modulus —Read More…
CP or RSYNC – forgot verbose – see current files being copied
CAVEAT: you can do the same thing with “lsof” and “fuser” So you want to see the current files being copied or looked at by cp or rsync (or another program)? So youRead More…
BSDTAR vs TAR (and option -a) and HOW TO COPY SPARSE FILES
BSDTAR vs TAR This site pretty much sums it up really well: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/101561/what-are-the-differences-between-bsdtar-and-gnu-tar Note that tar has the ability to use -a or autocompress. In some versions of bsdtar you also get -a.Read More…
Everything on DOTGLOB and * – selecting hidden files or not (default is not)
When working with the key * with BASH, becareful. And simply try to avoid it when you can. * usually does not select hidden files. Unless you tell it other wise withRead More…
LINUX – Find Largest Files and directories – DU and FIND
Find Largest Files and directories ### CHEATSHEET ALL OF THESE OPERATE INTO CURRENT DIRECTORY: ### # One command, one liner per line. du -a . | sort -n -r | head -nRead More…
Linux “Sort” cant sort by human readable sizes – here is a fix – sorting with human readable sizes script
I got it from Nixcraft article here, so here is the source: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-find-the-largest-filesdirectories-on-a-linuxunixbsd-filesystem/ I mention this method in finding largest files articles (also sourced from above link): Largest Files It looks like this: forRead More…
ping-targets – monitor pinging multiple targets one after the other
Monitor pinging multiple targets using the below script (sends 4 pings to each target, one after the other). read the comments for more details (how the output looks like etc.) Make theRead More…
useful du aliases – disk usage aliases – for linux
alias dud='du -chd 1' alias dud2='du -chd 2' alias dud3='du -chd 3' alias dud4='du -chd 4' alias duds='du -chd 1 | sort -h' alias duds2='du -chd 2 | sort -h' alias duds3='duRead More…