TEST TCP CONNECTION SUCH AS SYSLOG CLIENT # apt-get install tcputils CLIENT # tcpconnect www.SYSLOGSERVER.com 55114 type stuff, hit enter, will appear on remote rsyslog server this is a message123 this isRead More…
Understanding BTRFS space readings
This article here might help your understanding this better (especially the concept of allocation & the difference between used space and allocated space): http://www.infotinks.com/btrfs-fi-df-balance-btrfs-df/ I didnt have time to make it fancy shmancyRead More…
TAR BACKUP SYSTEM – EXCLUDE SELF and VIRTUAL FILESYSTEMS Since we want to backup all of the system recursively which starts at / Syntax: tar [options and archive savelocation] [archive start location]Read More…
Restartable RSYNC and CP – Loops until completion – version 2
Restartable RSYNC and CP – Loops until completion Version 1 of this can be found here: version1 (note version2 isnt necessarily better, its just shorter) This is another version of a restartable RSYNCRead More…
TEAMVIEWER – Error – Screen cannot be captured at the moment due to fast user switching & Installing Teamviewer as a service
TEAMVIEWER – Error – Screen cannot be captured at the moment due to fast user switching & Installing Teamviewer as Service tl;dr Quick solution – Install Teamviewer as a service to removeRead More…
VIM PRINT WHITESPACE CHARACTERS SET LIST and NO LIST #################################################### Info from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1675688/make-vim-show-all-white-spaces-as-a-character When programming in python via vi or vim its important to know where you have those pesky tabs so thatRead More…
VMWARE Vcenter Cant login – forgot root password – root password recovery and remove expiration
VCENTER – HOW TO RESET PASSWORD IF LOST ######################################## I show you how to reset the root password which is used to connect to the vcenter web gui (the one you accessRead More…
My Favorite Youtube Downloader
Plenty of options exist as far as for downloading Youtube videos or Youtube full playlists but most cost money or dont work. I find these to work: App for windows (Free YoutubeRead More…
Windows PATH & PATHEXT and file associations via cmd FTYPE & ASSOC
Windows Paths and file associations via cmd ##################################### Just a note to self on viewing PATHs and PATHEXT in windows (and an explanation of each if your not familiar with it). AlsoRead More…
Amazing way to extract links from raw html
Amazing way to extract links from raw html ######################################## This goes well with my other article: Extract Quotes Extract html from links found best one here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1881237/easiest-way-to-extract-the-urls-from-an-html-page-using-sed-or-awk-only cat index.html | grep -oRead More…