SIMPLE FILESERVER / WEBSERVER ON DEBIAN ========================================= Networking PreSteps ——————— Im assuming your web server is behind a NAT (router/firewall etc.) So all of the port forwards are completely configured from yourRead More…
secondary ip address – multihoming – with ifconfig – virtual interfaces
How to add secondary ip to linux ################################ NOTE: this is not a permanent method as we use ifconfig, to have a more permanent method we need to edit /etc/network/interfaces but thatsRead More…
script to delete problematic files and folder
BE VERY CAREFUL!!! SCRIPT TO DELETE PROBLEMATIC FOLDERS AND FILES ============================================== * i had a problem where everything in the current folder wouldnt delete and then the system would turn readonly onRead More…
screen/dtach – basic attach detach reattach – copy splitting – cheatsheet
screen and dtach allow to detach the current terminal from the shell. Thus you can turn off your shell (putty/teraterm) and still have your sessions running. You can start a session withRead More…
RSYNC Self Restarting Backup – “RSYNC loop to success” – version 1
Version 2 can be found here: version2 (note version 2 isnt necessarily better, its just shorter) What is this? This is how you make a backup job with linux or windows (withRead More…
rsync – how to exclude
RSYNC EXCLUDE ############## Imagine the source /from folder looks like this where / is the real root of the filesytem * /from/folder1 <– this has lots of files & subfolders in itRead More…
Command not working with * because too many files/arguments – like rm
LINUX – rm not working – too many arguments – or any command not working with * because too many files/arguments FIRST MAKE SURE YOUR IN THE RIGHT FOLDER: cd /folder_which_will_have_everything_in_it_deleted DeletingRead More…
Daylight Saving Time – DST
daylight saving time note ########################## * “daylight saving time” is ON in the summer time * Easy to remember: day has light & summer has light (day and summer bothRead More…
COPY FILES LETTERS AT A TIME ( And find out their size ) – find – xargs – rsync – du – awk
COPY FILES LETTERS AT A TIME ( And find out their size ) ############################################################ Lets say your in a folder and you want to copy out every movie that begins with theRead More…
HOW TO MAKE HTML TEXT UPPERCASE – CAN USE IN MOST HTML ######################################################## <style type="text/css"> <!– .allcaps { font-variant: small-caps; text-transform: uppercase; } –> </style> <p class="allcaps">This is all caps </> Read More…