I am not a fan of bulky watches, I like them sleek and gorgeous. The winner goes to my friend’s company:
The Durden watch is a sleek and sexy watch. I have had the privilege to own both types. Personally I like the black background watch the most, but the white one was also very beautiful. In the end, both look amazing and last a long time. Mine lasted a year until I lost both of them, I like to imagine they are still running where ever they might be. The white one has better versatility to scratches – you don’t notice them. The only downside is that you will notice scratches on the glass surface easier on the black watch.
Why is it called Durden? The name comes from the Fight Club movie. It is a reference to the main character “Tyler Durden”. My friend has always enjoyed that movie.
So if you are a Fight Club fan, then this watch is a must have.